Change Review Weeks to Planning Weeks:
I believe that this would definitely be a big change to the class but I did not really follow my own schedule either. I did assignments when they were convenient (either days before or the morning of). I had kind of a crazy last semester in terms of time because I also had my capstone going on while trying to make relocation plans for after school and all that. So I definitely think that changing to planning weeks would be helpful for some but maybe not all.
Expand the Story Planning Option:
I used the story planning option and I loved it. Not only did it give me a chance to think about what I could write, a lot of the stories at the start went through 2 weeks. Therefore, it was nice being able to do all 4 reading notes before doing a story in case you were relating it to the story.
Create more audio recordings:
The audio recordings were excellent! The Indian Epics class had a lot of names that I would normally be unsure of how to pronounce but the audio recordings really helped with that! Also it is nice to have a story told to you at times!
Create writing tutorial videos:
I have a lot of writing errors in terms of grammar but I am unsure on how much I would actually watch the videos. Usually if I have a question about grammar or writing I just Google it.
Create thematic reading units:
I think these thematic stories would be great because I found myself often going back to similar styles that I have already read. If there are different themes then it could make the class have a broader perspective!
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