Rama and Lakshmana battle the rakshasas. Source
Public Domain Ramayana, link to the reading online.
King Dasharatha
- Ruler of the Koshala kingdom
- Lives in Ayodhya
- Mighty and powerful
- Heart full of sorrow because no son had been born to him be either of his 3 queens.
- Conducts a horse sacrifice to obtain offspring
- His chief wife, Kaushalya, plays a leading role
- Gods promise him four sons.
- king of the Videha kingdom
- Lives in Mithilia
- For someone to marry his daughter, the suitor must bend the bow of the god Shiva
- City of Ayodhya is the capital of Koshala
- Ayodhya was full of prosperous and happy people
- Reading about what the actual horse sacrifice is super strange
- The horse gets puts in fancy jewels and gets killed for sacrifice (sacred scimitar)
- Dasharatha needs to defeat Ravana, the King of the Rakshasas
- The god Vishnu comes to help but Ravana cannot be defeated by gods therefore Vishnu is born on earth as Rama, the son of Dasharatha
- Rama and his brother Lakshmana go with Vishvamitra to fight demons
- Rama receives supernatural weapons as rewards after then fight
- Sagar Island is where the goddess Ganga (the river Ganges) descended
- Gautama cursed Indra and Ahalya for being disguised as him and seducing Ahalya
- Rama falls in love with Sita (heavenly and eternal love)
- Sita, Janaka family, is an avatar of the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu's consort
- Rama wins Janaka's challenge and gets to marry Sita
- Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna find wives from the Janaka family
- Dasharatha must decide which son will be the heir
- Kaikeyi demands that Dasharatah sends RAma into exhile while making Bharata his heir
- Rama always obeys his father without question
- Sita and Lakshmana want to accompany Rama into exile
- 14 years of exile in forest
- As Dassharatha dies, he remembers an accident when he was cursed to lose a son
- None of his sons are present at the time of his death
- Rama and Lakshmana have gone into exile
- Bharata and Shatrugna are away in the kingdom of Ashwapata
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